Beginner Blogging Tips: 12 Easy Steps to Start a New Blog

beginner blogging tips

Hi friends, are you planning to create a new blog or already working on your blog but don’t know where to start? If you’re feeling lost, don’t worry – I’ve got you covered! Today, I’ll share my personal experience in this beginner blogging tips with easy steps to start a new blog.

It’s great to share your thoughts, ideas, and experiences through a blog. But before you start blogging, there are a few things you need to do first.

So basically, I started my blogging journey in 2020 but I wasn’t seriously working on it because I was too busy with my day job. I had no idea how to organize things and monetize my blog either.

But then early this year, I decided to take blogging seriously and started learning about SEO, social media marketing, and other things that could help me grow my blog. And in a span of just a few months, I was able to grow my blog and monetize it.

One day I shared my success on the Facebook group to motivate new bloggers, then I keep getting a lot of questions such as:

  • How to get started?
  • What topic should I select?
  • Which platform to choose?
  • Where to get the best domain and web hosting?
  • How to set up a website, and what theme and plugins to use?
  • How write blog posts with SEO?
  • How to monetize and start earning from ads, and so on?

So when I started my blog, I also had the same questions and I’m still in the same boat to learn more. However, I’ve found some things that help me push through the tough times and stay motivated to keep going.

Beginner Blogging Tips

Here are 5 things that you should know before you start a new blog:

1. Find your niche

I have a youtube channel where I post videos for programming examples on Android, and Python because I like it, and I’m from a Computer Science background. When I started, I didn’t know what my niche was going to be, I just knew that I wanted to post videos on things that I liked. It wasn’t until after a few months of posting videos and getting feedback from viewers that I realized my niche was programming tutorials.

Also. I like reading what’s new in technology, education, and computers in general so I tend to post on those categories as well.

So when you’re blogging, it’s important to find your niche and focus on it. This will help you stand out from the rest of the bloggers out there, and it will also make it easier for you to stay motivated. If you’re constantly changing your topics, it’ll be hard to keep up the momentum.

2. Set goals

If you don’t have any goals set for your blog, it’s easy to get lost in the shuffle and give up. But if you have specific goals that you want to achieve, it’ll be easier to stay on track and keep going.

So keep a note of the short-term and long-term goals that you hope to achieve with your blog in the long run. That way, you can always refer back to them and stay focused.

3. Find a role model

When I was starting out, I looked up to a lot of successful bloggers on youtube and tried to emulate their success. While this isn’t always possible, it can be helpful to find someone who’s already doing what you want to do and see how they do it.

My advice would be to find a few successful bloggers that you admire and study their content. Don’t ask questions to any random person who can miss guide you, we have google, youtube to search for what we want to know, and there are experts in blogging with years of experience.

Here are some successful bloggers that I’m personally inspired by:

These are just a few examples, but there are many other great bloggers out there doing amazing things. Find someone who’s doing what you want to do and learn from them!

4. Get organized

If your blog is a mess, it’ll be hard to stay motivated. But if you have a clear plan and structure for your blog, it’ll be easier to keep track of your progress and stay on track.

5. Take breaks

Feeling burned out? Take a break. Sometimes, the best way to stay motivated is to step away from your blog for a little while and come back refreshed.

These are just a few of the things that have helped me stay motivated to keep blogging. What about you? What motivates you to keep going? Share in the comments!

Setting Up Your First Blog

Now that we discussed how to stay motivated while creating a new blog, let’s discuss how to set up your first blog:

6. Choose a blogging platform

There are many different platforms you can use to create a blog, but I highly recommend using WordPress or Blogger. They’re both easy to use and have lots of features and customization options. I personally use WordPress because it comes with a lot of features in one place.

7. Choose a domain name and web host

Once you’ve chosen a blogging platform, you’ll need to choose a domain name and web hosting for your blog.

This is the address people will use to find your blog on the internet, so make sure it’s something catchy and easy to remember. A web host is where your blog will live on the internet.

I recommend using Hostinger or Bluehost, which are reliable and have great customer support.

8. Set up your blog

Once you’ve chosen a platform and web host, it’s time to set up your blog. This process is different for each platform, so you can follow step by step guide on how to set up your blog:

Since I was not sure about setting up things with WordPress, so I followed the above videos to set up my own blog. It’s very easy to set up.

9. Start blogging

Now that your blog is all set up, it’s time to start writing! Just choose a topic, hit the publish button, and start sharing your thoughts with the world.

You can follow these beginner blogging tips on how to write blog posts. This will guide you to understand what format and points to remember when you write a blog post.

10. Monetize your blog

If you want to make money from your blog, there are a few different ways you can do it. You can sell advertising space, products, or services through your blog. You can also join affiliate programs and earn a commission on sales you generate.

I would recommend first to have some patience, keep writing and get more traffic to your website. Once you have good traffic, you can apply for a different program to monetize your blog.

11. Promote your blog

The best way to get people to read your blog is to promote it through social media and other online channels. Make sure to share your latest posts on Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms. You can also submit your blog to directories and search engines to help people find it more easily.

12. Engage with your audience

The key to any successful blog is engagement. This means interacting with your readers in the comments section, responding to their emails, and promoting their content on your own blog.

Happy Blogging

The most important thing you can do to keep your blog successful is to keep writing. Post new content regularly, interact with your readers, and promote your blog through social media and other online channels. You’ll be well on your way to starting a successful blog if you follow these steps.

I hope this post has helped you understand how to start a blog. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below and I’ll be happy to help. Thanks for reading!

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I'm a Computer Science graduate. I'm passionate about blogging and I owned to share some of my interests with other people.